Microclimate (2017)
Photographic di-bond
Sensory Banquet in Walled Garden
C-type print on hahnemuhle paper
Invisible Dust and Humber Museums Partnership
23 July - 30 November 2017
Gayle Chong Kwan explores the history of the walled garden, issues of growing produce out of season, and the politics of food production and waste. The Walled Garden at Normanby Hall and Gardens is the inspiration for Gayle Chong Kwan’s installation of photographic works and the sensory banquet which took place on 23 July 2017 and which featured produce
grown in the garden. The starting point for Microclimate is a series of Victorian photo-collages and cucumber straighteners displayed in the Gardener’s Hut. These glass vessels were first invented in the 1840s by the engineer George Stephenson, who also designed
the first steam locomotive railway. Elements and photographs from the sensory banquet were developed into a photographic scroll, exhibited in the Library at Normanby Hall.